About us

The Menorca bowls club is a  club which has the privilege of playing on a green adjacent to the  Alua Illa de Menorca Hotel (formerly the Hotel San Luis) and is situated in a beautiful setting in S'Algar.


The Members of the Club are 50% residents of the island and the rest part residents. Many of these members own properties in Menorca and visit regularly throughout the year, often bringing along family and friends who also enjoy bowling, or even those wishing to learn the game.


We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 10 a.m.for 10.30 am start throughout the year.  The green is also open during the rest of the week (May - October) for

anyone wishing to play, bowls and equipment can be hired from the Kiosk by the green.

You are welcome to join us on our Club days, and if you are not experienced at Bowls we have Members who are willing to show you how it is done!


bowlinginmenorca.com is no longer available.



Zona Deportiva,

Hotel Alua Illa de Menorca,
Urb. S'Algar

07713 Sant Luis


Balearic Islands (Spain)

Anne Goodyear       (President)

"Come and bowl with us. We will have a great time!"